
Sunday, 20 March 2011

Changing Weather Conditions

Today's weather forecast. Cloudy/Overcast. Wind 2mph. Conditions Dry. Yesterday - gorgeous, blue skys.

Getting kitted up for today's ride out, forecast looked good, yesterday was gorgeous. Base layer. Thermal vest. Windtex should do it. Overshoes, nah. Oversocks should be OK.

Two miles into the seventy I ended up doing today, the heavens opened. Did I have my waterproof? - nope. Feet were soaking for much of the ride, plus hands and the atmosphere was certainly feeling a bit hostile, particularly with my language. Windtex did a decent job of keeping the cold out, but it did get pretty wet.

It was a stark reminder, that you do need to plan for day's like this. What I should of done, is at least put my waterproof in my back pocket. I generally always do, but tricked by the gorgeous day yesterday, I thought better of it.

Reaching the Lavender Tea Rooms in Dunham Massey, it took three big cups of tea (I don't normally drink tea by the way) and a huge slice of Victoria sponge to get me feeling human again (Lavender Tea Rooms is a splendid cafe stop by the way, tea in china cups and a great selection of home baked cakes).

The other unexpected change was that the wind was actually around 10mph compared to the forecasted 2mph. Leading the group today, I spent a good chunk of time on the front, so arriving home (another 22 miles there and back to where we set off) the legs were certainly feeling it.

I've previously posted about riding in the rain and the wind, worth a quick look if you're new to road cycling, should have taken some of my own advice!!

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