
Sunday, 6 July 2014

June 2014 Mileage

Two new PB's in June.  One for total distance in a month and the other for total ascent.

When thinking about how the year was going to play out, this one was on the cards with the Tour de Precky (effectively the two stages of the Tour de France in Yorkshire) and London to Paris both falling in the same month and pushing both distance and ascent numbers to a new high.

As you can see from the numbers, average speed was down by 3%, ascent (climbing) was up 27% with average heart rate sitting in zone 3 (aerobic endurance).  All my training had been building up to this point, so according to the numbers I had the right fitness levels to complete the challenges the month brought.

June 2014 Mileage and Ride Ascent Ratio -

Chatting with a fellow rider on the London to Paris ride about training, Jan - March was all about flat miles to build a base, with April to June having increased intensity (more ascent).  This simple methodology worked for me last year and it worked again this year.

In terms of the whole year, I'd forecasted to have done around 2,242 miles (3,587km) by this point in the year, actual outcome was 2,268 miles (3,629), so just ahead of plan. 

Key learning for June was about weight.  Seeing what guys three stone lighter than you can do going up a big hill really brings home the magical power to weight ratio impact and the importance of strength and conditioning.  Time to tweak the training I think.

Month  to Date

Mileage- 656 miles/1,050km (+5% vs PY)
Ride Time - 43hrs 17mins 
Ascent - 38,583ft (+27% vs PY)
Avg. Speed - 15.2mph (-3% vs PY)
Avg. HR - 140bpm
Calories (estimate) -22,107
Ride Ascent Ratio (Ascent/Miles) - 58.8 (Medium) (+20% vs. PY)

Year to Date

Mileage- 2,339 miles/3,742km (same as PY)
Ride Time - 145hrs 33mins 
Ascent - 96,116ft
Avg. Speed - 16.1mph (+2.5% vs PY)
Avg. HR - 145bpm
Calories (estimate) -86,347
Ride Ascent Ratio (Ascent/Miles) - 41.6 (Medium) (+6% vs. PY)

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