
Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Favourite Photo's from London to Paris 2012

There were some fantastic photographers on the London to Paris ride and a good couple of thousand photo's were made available to the riders, without charge.  There were so many, I had a look through and have picked some that stood out for me.

Let me credit the photographers firstly for some awesome shots, Matthew Alexander and Karin Schermbrucker are responsible for most of these excellent images (with the odd one or two from my Blackberry), so a big thanks for making them available.

Here's some of my favourites: -

Setting Out with Mavic Neutral Service

Skoda Leading Out the Peloton
Mechanics were busy from the get go
Quick shot of me riding out towards Dover

Into the dark near Box Hill ....

Day Two - Wind and Rain All Day
The Pee Leton :-)
The Outriders who kept us safe for 3 days with a rolling roadblock

How Dirty My Bike Was After Day 2
A typical night in the room
The French Countryside
A Typical Village we passed through
Great shot capturing an individual moment for one rider
Eurosport David Harmon's and I's Onix Bikes Resting Up

Encouraged by the French Schoolchildren - Me on the Front
One of the Inspiring Stoke Mandeville Hand Cyclists

Triple Crown Winner Steven Roche

Roche poses with his Battaglin

Stephen Roche on his refurbished 1987 Battaglin Bike

Roche's 1987 Battaglin

Roche's 1987 Battaglin

Colin Lynch, Fondriest, Roche, Platt and Sven Thiele roll by the Arc de Triomphe

Maurizio  Fondriest, Stephen Roche & Karl Platt being Interviewed

The Hand Cyclists Inspired Everyone

My Signed Copy of Stephen Roche's Auto-Biography with my Rider Number
My Onix RH Pro waiting for collection
A Stoke Mandeville Hand Cyclist greets his son on the finish line

HotChillee Founder and One of the Nicest Guys you'll meet - Sven Thiele

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