
Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Simon Richardson Update (13/09/11)

Day 4 of Simon being at home.  He's in very good spirits and keeping himself entertained via Twitter and the odd visitor.  It's like groundhog day every day, lay in bed, television on, keeping still with the occasional trip to the loo.

Thankfully the district nurse has organised for an airbed to be deliverd to him today, to prevent bed sores, a by-product of being lay in one position for long lengths of time.  His appetite is fully regained now and Amanda his wife is up and down the stairs keeping an eye on him.

I'm giving him a buzz each day to catch up on his progress, it's amazing that only a couple of weeks ago he was in intensive care.  Looks like he's got another seven or so weeks laid up, whilst his back is given the time it needs.

The #SIMONSTRONG bike is now fully finished and we're awaiting some high quality pictures to be done, before sharing with everyone that contributed.  All I can say is that Chris Grove from Performance Race Art did Simon proud, it's an awesome looking machine.  Watch this space.

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