
Monday, 5 September 2011

Simon Richardson Update (05/09/11)

More progress for Simon today.  He's been able to sit on the edge of his hospital bed for a short time, whilst physiotherapists put him in a body brace, to allow them to start his rehabilitation. 

When you've been lay in a bed for three weeks having not eaten much, it's amazing what an effort it is to support your own body weight again; when your muscles have deblitated and your energy levels are low. It was an effort for him no doubt and he managed about four minutes. 

In order for him to move to his next stage of recovery, he needs to be able to sit in a wheel chair unaided before doctors consider to move him to a trauma ward.  Knowing Simon as we do, I'm sure that won't take long.

He's making significant progress since coming out of intensive care and being able to breathe unsupported, he's ahead of the curve in terms of what the doctors are expecting.  His mental strength continues to shine through and I'm sure we'll have positive news in the near future if he progresss at the current rate of recovery. 

Speaking on BBC Radio Wales tonight, I paid further tribute to the outstanding support he's received from cyclists across the globe, local people in his home town of Porthcawl aswell as celebrities, sportspeople and friends.  You've all made a massive difference - thank you.

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