
Friday, 29 July 2011

Race-Pace Book Circle

As you get more and more into cycling, you start to read up on the sport.  I've read loads of biographies and auto-biographies and their all sitting on my shelf at home.  Within our cycling club - North Cheshire Clarion - we have a little swap shop going, where we loan/give unused magazines and books to each other.

I was thinking recently about starting a little book club up via the blog.  Idea being this: -

  1. I offer a book up for loan, those interested in reading it, register their interest via Twitter.
  2. I write the Twitter ID's of all those that want the book in the inside cover and send it to the first reader.
  3. The reader has one month to read the book, then when done, they contact the next reader on Twitter for their address, and post the book on.  When doing that, they post a Tweet saying "book title posted from @your Twitter id to @recipient Twitter ID (copy in @racepacenet, so I can keep track of who has the book).
  4. After finishing the book, the reader posts a comment on the blog about the book in question for everyone else to read.
  5. All those that have their names in the front cover, follow each other on Twitter too (increasing follower count).
First book up, will be the David Millar auto-biography, "Racing through the Dark".  If you fancy reading it, register your interest.

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